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Starting the HAWB project!

This week, the Emerson 8th graders are starting their HAWB project. HAWB stands for High Altitude Weather Balloon. For the next month or so, they will be working on planning, designing, and constructing their balloon. In the spring, most likely in May (date TBD), the 8th graders will travel to an off-site location, and will launch their balloon.

Last week, the 8th graders chose their group leaders. The groups are divided into a girls team and a boys team, each with three leaders. The leaders for the girls team are Isabelle, Meera, and Elie. The boys team is led by Noah, Jack, and Rollie. After the leaders were chosen, the leaders chose which part of the project each 8th grader would represent. We are representing the Social Communication Team, in charge of managing this site. So, for our part, we decided to create this website to update our families and the rest of the community about our project. Throughout the process of designing the balloon, Nia, Shruti, Biruk, Matthew, Joey and I will continue to update this site with pictures, videos, and blog posts.

Please continue to check this website for updates as we go along on this exciting project! Also, if you want to learn more about what exactly a high altitude weather balloon is, visit the "about" section of the website, as we explain it there.

Thank you!

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